The Sacred Grey
A rough script of the idols of goddess Durga! That is something comes to mind when I stare at these photographs of muddy sculptures those are yet to be finished with vibrant, blissful colors and sanctified ornaments. I stare with awe, I stare being utterly overwhelmed with the aura these photographs of muddy sculptures hold even not being fully prepared. The next thought that hovers over the mind is that the biggest festival of Bengalis – “Durga Puja” is knocking on the door. “Durga Puja” – a small phrase that is one of the prime reasons to be happy for an individual belonging to a Bengali neighborhood. The sacred grey color, which is seemingly at the centre of highlight of these photographs, grabs attention as soon as one looks at them. Grey – a color that has never been appreciated preferred or applied for an occasion of gay, prosperity and success. Contrary to that, these photographs are proof of the fact that the color – grey is the very basis of one of the biggest reasons to be happy for a whole culture. Here, grey is in the centre of attraction, grey is highlighted and somewhat worshipped.
One of the photographs is of a rough sketch of goddess Durga’s face set in a faded background. The sharp features of the face have been highlighted that remind of the valorous sculpt of goddess Durga and the story of her triumph over the evil so far. On the other hand, the photograph of goddess’ hand in position of giving blessing is the demonstration of Durga’s another charisma – the Universal mother. One of the photographs feature a roaring lion with special highlight on its muzzle and canine area, showing the ferocious approach of the animal, who has served for the success of the goddess. All photographs are featured in light and dark grayish undertone, which is deepening the intensity and power of this mythological legend. The faded background is adding more vigor in these photos and foregrounding the sacredness of these robust sculptures. The way these photographs have been taken is adding more life in these unvarnished sculptures, which are soon going to be the center of celebration.
Maybe it is the stereotype thinking or way of looking at the color – grey, due to which it has never been appreciated or considered with much priority. The grayish undertone of these photographs is not diminishing but glorifying the very power and supremacy of Goddess Durga in a sacred way.